The donation of April 2015 goes to:
They are a group of both Greeks and foreigners living on Samos, Greece. To help improving the situation of the stray animals on Samos, they’ve formed the association Zoofiloi Samou (Animal Friends of Samos) in 2003.
Their main goals are:
- Rebuilding of the existing animal shelter.
- Regular examination and vaccination of dogs that are brought to the asylum.
- Gathering more volunteers to take care of the animals.
- PR work to establish a sense for animal rights on Samos.
- Announcemnts in the local newspapers to increase poopularity of the asylum and give dogs a chance to find a new home.
- For short term help, evacuation of as many dogs as possible.
The attention to our efforts here on Samos is overall much stronger than we expected.
Help is promised by officials as well as local companies for supply with some material and services.
Although this is very encouraging there is still a long way to go.