June 2013 – Debra Ireland

The donation of June 2013 goes to:

Debra Ireland logo
Debra Ireland

DEBRA Ireland is the national charity established in1988 to provide patient support services and to drive research into treatments and cures for those living with the genetic skin condition, epidermolysis bullosa (EB). This is a very distressing and painful condition which causes the skin layers and internal body linings to blister and wound at the slightest touch.

Broadly, there are three types of EB, referred to as EB simplex, junctional EB and dystrophic EB. Fundraising and donations are vital so that DEBRA Ireland can fund services for patients and families including an EB Nurse Liaison Service, support to the EB clinics, an EB Support Worker to provide information and advice, equipment and respite holidays.

DEBRA Ireland also funds specific research programmes in Ireland, the UK and the USA into wound healing, skin cancer in EB patients and gene therapy, in the hope of finding effective treatments and ultimately a cure for EB.

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