The donation of March 2015 goes to:
KNGF Geleidehonden (The Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation) has been training guide dogs for visually impaired people for more than 75 years. Established in 1935, the organisation has trained over 5,000 dogs for guide dog users in various parts of the Netherlands. Our organisation is an accredited member of the International Guide Dog Federation, which sets operational standards that its members must comply with.
KNGF is the oldest, largest and best-known guide dog school in the Netherlands. It has a staff of more than 70 employees, 500 volunteers, 45,000 donors and several key sponsors. Next to our core business of training guide dogs for the blind, we now also apply our knowledge and expertise to help people with other disabilities with a specially trained dog.
Since 2007, they’ve been training autism guide dogs for young children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. They deliver an average twenty of these dogs every year. Autism guide dogs are guiding child and parent outside their home. With the dog’s help, a family is able to go out again, as the dog prevents the child from bolting and breaking away. Dogs prove to have positive effects on the social and communicative behaviour of children with ASS.
Recently they’ve started training assistance dogs for people in a wheelchair. As an experienced dog school, they find it their duty and aim to help a broader group of impaired people with a specially trained dog. They use several training methods for the training of assistance dogs, depending on the client’s situation. The training and instruction programme is planned together with the client, in order to create an ideal cooperation between the dog and its user.
Check out their award-winning commercial for veteran dogs: