June 2014 – African Library Project (Lesotho)

The donation of June 2014 goes to:

African Library Project - logoAfrican Library Project – Lesotho

The African Library Project changes lives book by book by starting libraries in rural Africa. Our grassroots approach mobilizes U.S. volunteers, young and old, to organize book drives and ship books to a partner library in Africa. Our method makes a concrete and personal difference for children on both continents.

Lesotho is the home of the first African Library Project in Malealea Valley, begun in 2005. Since then, ALP has partnered with the U.S. Peace Corps, the Ministry of Education, and local citizens to start/improve more than 239 community libraries; this includes libraries in schools and hospitals.

In 2009, Lesotho hosted the 2nd ALP African Partners Summit. Among other activities, the Summit featured library tours and the launch of a new tracking system to measure the progress of ALP libraries.

2 thoughts on “June 2014 – African Library Project (Lesotho)”

  1. Love this organization! All volunteer and grassroots, they’ve managed to start over 1200 libraries in ten African countries during the past nine years. Anybody in the USA or southern Canada can help start a library with their system of collecting 1000 gently-used children’s books and raising about $500 to cover the costs of shipping them. Thanks for posting this!

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