The donation of May/June 2023 goes to:

NOAH – for dyrs rettigheter (for animal rights)
NOAH is a Norwegian animal rights organization that works tirelessly to promote the rights of animals without making any compromises at their expense. They staunchly oppose all forms of animal exploitation and are recognized as the largest NGO in Norway dedicated to animal rights.
The organization was initiated in 1989 by a group of activists experienced in national and international environmental and animal rights work. Now they have over 13,000 members and active supporters, with local volunteer groups in most of the larger Norwegian cities. These groups coordinate their activities through a central office and executive committee. The organization’s work is underpinned by the idealistic commitment of individual volunteers, professional and thorough work, and a well-thought-out foundation in animal rights philosophy.
NOAH’s activism spans all areas of society, inviting anyone, regardless of age, occupation, or background, to participate. They exert influence at various levels and groups within Norwegian society, engaging with politicians to effect legal changes, arranging high-profile demonstrations to draw media attention to animal rights, distributing information, talking to people on the street, holding conferences, giving talks at educational institutions, writing articles, demonstrating, and saving individual animals. They also liaise with and participate in various officially appointed consultative groups and committees related to animal welfare, including a member of the Norwegian Council for Animal Ethics.
The organization operates independently of political and religious affiliations, receiving government support but primarily financed by income from its members, other contributions, and their own efforts.
NOAH cooperates extensively with animal rights organizations in other countries, having conducted several joint campaigns with other Scandinavian, European, and international organizations. They are a member organization of international networks such as the Fur Free Alliance and act as the contact organization for InterNICHE, which opposes the use of animals for teaching experiments. Their ultimate aim is to attract people who seek a world free from animal exploitation and wish to contribute to achieving such a world as swiftly as possible.
(since no donation has been made in the month of May, I’m donating two days of salary to NOAH 😎)