April 2016 – George Mark Children’s House

The donation of April 2016 goes to:

logo of George Mark Children's HouseGeorge Mark Children’s House.

George Mark Children’s House specialises in caring for children and young adults with complex medical conditions that may result in a shortened life expectancy. The goal of palliative care is to relieve the suffering, pain and stress of illness, regardless of prognosis. Palliative care is compatible with treatments that are meant to cure. George Mark Children’s House welcomes children with diverse diagnoses, from newborns to 25-year-olds. Young adults are considered on a case-by-case basis. All medically eligible children and their families are welcome regardless of ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, orientation, religion or socio-economic status.

Explaining paediatric palliative care

Palliative care begins at the moment of diagnosis and extends throughout the child’s illness. Palliative care also includes ongoing support for bereaved family members. The goal of paediatric palliative care is to collaborate with the family to address comfort, minimise suffering, and maximise quality-of-life for the entire family. George Mark Children’s House supports families by facilitating medical communication, decision-making, providing access to resources and addressing emotional needs.

At George Mark Children’s House, we believe that all families deserve comprehensive, family-centered care from the moment of diagnosis onward. Palliative care treatments work in conjunction with treatments that are meant to cure, often focusing on alleviating the pain and distressing symptoms of both illnesses and treatments. If curative treatments are no longer effective, palliative care can help families make the most of every moment together. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life, for however long that may be, for the entire family.

[donation made via their Fund-a-Bed Campaign on Generosity]

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