November 2022 – Captain Paul Watson Foundation

The donation for November 2022 goes to:

Captain Paul Watson Foundation logo

Captain Paul Watson Foundation

The Captain Paul Watson Foundation for the Protection and Conservation of the Ocean has as objectives:

  1. To focus on the protection and conservation of the ocean through direct intervention supported by education, documentation, research activities and partnerships with other NGO’s, governments and international institutions like the United Nations.
  2. To establish operations to:
  • Finding solutions to address the diminishment of diversity and interdependence in marine ecosystems.
  • Finding solutions to address the diminishment of phytoplankton populations in the sea.
  • Finding solutions to address the illegal, unreported and unregulated commercial fishing operations.
  • Finding solutions to address the impact of climate change on oceanic ecosystems.
  • Finding solutions to address ways to remove plastics, fishing debris and ghost nets from marine ecosystems.
  • Finding solutions to address the impact of noise pollution on marine life
  • Finding solutions to address the problem of acidification in the sea
  • Finding solutions to address the unlawful killing of marine mammals.
  • Finding solutions to protecting sea turtle nests from poachers.
  • Finding solutions to protecting sea-bird populations from illegal fishing and ingestion of plastics
  • Finding solutions to protecting critically endangered species in marine ecosystems.
  • Finding solutions to protecting Southern Ocean Eco-systems from illegal fishing and development activities.
  • Finding solutions to protecting Arctic Ocean Eco-systems from illegal fishing and development activities.
  • Finding solutions to protecting global coral reef systems from damage from acidification, invasive species, pollution and climate change.
  • Researching, documenting and producing films, books and other educational materials to address the conservation and protection of marine species and ecosystems.
  • Working with government partners to find solutions to stop poaching activities within established economic zones.
  • Working with the United Nations and other international organizations to find solutions to stopping poaching in areas beyond nation in accordance with the United Nations World Charter for Nature.
  • Funding research into addressing threats to marine ecosystems.
  • Operation of ships and aircraft to document illegal activities on the high seas.
  • Working with scientists, filmmakers, historians, communicators, environmentalists and conservationists to find solutions to address the threats facing marine species and marine ecosystems.

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